Comments on the proposed actions below should be sent to the attention of:

Kelly Murphy, Senior Director of Real Estate Services
New York City School Construction Authority
25-01 Jackson Avenue
Long Island City, NY 11101

Notice Of Final Scope Of Work

Targeted Draft Environmental Impact Statement

Proposed Redevelopment Of The Former St. John Villa Campus, Staten Island


On behalf of the New York City Department of Education (DOE), the New York City School Construction Authority (SCA) proposes to create three new school facilities, an athletic field with an approximately 700-seat bleacher section, a maintenance building, an internal driveway network, and a parking lot on the former St. John Villa campus at 57 Cleveland Place in the Arrochar section of Staten Island. The three new schools would consist of an approximately 764-seat Gifted and Talented primary school/intermediate school (PS/IS) and two separate, independently operated, approximately 627-seat intermediate/high schools (IS/HS).  The two IS/HS would also contain 96 seats for a District 75 program and share a gymnatorium, auditorium, kitchen, and lobby.  The proposed schools would collectively introduce approximately 2,114 new school seats to the project site.

The Draft Scope of Work (DSOW) to Prepare a Targeted DEIS was originally published on February 21, 2024, and discussed during a March 7, 2024 virtual public scoping meeting and a second public scoping meeting held as a hybrid event (i.e., simultaneously in-person and virtual) on May 16, 2024.  The FSOW to prepare a Targeted DEIS includes responses to comments received during both public scoping meetings as well as written comments accepted through the close of the public comment period, which ended at 5:00 P.M. on June 3, 2024. The Environmental Assessment and the  Final  Scope  of  Work  (FSOW) to prepare a Targeted Environmental Impact Statement is  available below.